
公告分類 : 師資



美國馬里蘭大學打擊樂演奏博士,啟蒙於郭光遠教授、朱宗慶教授、連雅文教授等國內著名擊樂大師旅美期間,獲得美國打擊樂協會的高度肯定,於1999年頒發YAMAHA獎。2000年,吳國瑄獲得推荐,於美國華府甘迺迪音樂中心獨奏演出,並參與國際擊樂大師Evelyn Glennie大師班。2002年,吳國瑄於Montpelier Culture Art Center Recital Series Competition 獲得首獎並應邀演出。致力於推廣打擊樂活動,多次於台南應用科技大學舉辦國際擊樂藝術大師講座與交流活動,現職為台南應用科技大學幼兒保育系系主任,並任教於音樂系、國立中山大學音樂系及多所音樂班。同時,積極培育幼兒音樂教育人才及出版幼兒音樂教育相關書籍。 

一、 個人簡介  

紐約時報 (New York Times) 知名樂評Jim Oestreich稱打擊樂博士吳國瑄 為〝Brilliant Marimbist〞。  啟蒙於郭光遠教授、朱宗慶教授、連雅文教授等國內




Gregory Haimovsky,新音樂組主任Dr. Esther Lamneck,及作曲組主任Dr. Dino Gezzo的大力推薦下,於1999年美國現代作曲協會年會中首演多首優秀新作。


主任Dr. Gregory Haimovsky為名的室內樂傑出優良獎。吳國瑄於1999年獲得美國馬里蘭大學College Park分校音樂系獎學金繼續攻讀博士學位。2000年,

吳國瑄獲得學校推荐,於美國華府甘迺迪音樂中心獨奏演出,並參與國際擊樂大師Evelyn Glennie大師班。2002年,吳國瑄於Montpelier Culture Art Center

Recital Series Competition 獲得首獎並應邀演出。  2003年獲得打擊樂演奏博士學位後回國即積極從事教育及各類型演出活動,並嘗試各種多元化的表演藝術,

找尋創新的演藝型態。先後於2003、2004、2008、2009、2010舉行「擊樂精伶」「Jazz VS Tango」雙系列獨奏會。並與台南人劇團合作,現場演出戲劇創作。



二、 學術專長              打擊樂演奏、打擊樂教學法、幼兒音樂、兒童擊樂合奏、兒童鍵盤樂

三、 學歷              美國馬里蘭大學打擊樂演奏博士            美國紐約大學音樂演奏碩士            輔仁大學音樂系學士

四、 演出經歷      

2012/12/02    向凱基致敬                    薪傳打擊樂團    

 2012/11/25    向凱基致敬                    薪傳打擊樂團      

2012/11/16    向凱基致敬                    薪傳打擊樂團      

2012/10/13    嬰為有你愛心慈善音樂會        台南愛樂管弦樂團    

 2012/09/03    奧地利維也納音樂廳莫札特廳    台南大學音樂系打擊樂團      

2012/02/24    可成科技音樂饗宴              台灣藝術家合奏團    

 2011/10/23    音樂沙龍-擊時行樂音樂會       台北市立社會教育館      

2011/07/02      總統府音樂會                台南應用科技大學      

2011/04/15     {海峽兩岸}慶祝廈門大學建校90周年交響音樂會    廈門大學      

2010/12/04      Jazz VS Tango 吳國瑄打擊樂獨奏會      台南應用科技大學      

2010/05/19      台南科技大學音樂系與日本名古屋音樂大學交流音樂會      

2010/04/18      臺南市交響樂團2010春季音樂會      

2009/05/23      2009吳國瑄打擊樂獨奏會      

2008/06/06     擊樂精伶之浪漫春擊-2008吳國瑄打擊樂獨奏會      

2008/05/19     擊樂精伶之浪漫春擊-2008吳國瑄打擊樂獨奏會      

2008/04/30     擊樂精伶之浪漫春擊-2008吳國瑄打擊樂獨奏會 


五、 證照  

   1.  Mixcraft 6  Level 1  

   2.  Mixcraft 6  Level 2  

   3.  Mixcraft 6  Level 3  

   4.  Microsoft Power Point  



  1. 2012 Hawaii International Confernece on Education : The Impact on JU Percussion Teaching System for the Development of Percussion Education in Taiwan    

  2.  2010 Hawaii International Confernece on Education : Children's Percussion Education in Taiwan -- The Ju Percussion Teaching System for The Example  


       Kuo-Hsuan Wu  New York Times well-known music critic Jim Oestreich said to Dr. Kuo-Hsuan Wu, "Brilliant Marimbist".  Enlightenment of well-known percussion master in Taiwan, Professor Guo, Guang-Yuan, Professor Ju, Tzong-Ching and Professor Lian, Ya-Wen. Miss Wu showed her talent in percussion at the early age. Miss Wu had joined the Taipei Percussion at 16, and joined Taiwan Symphonic Wind Ensemble at 20. Miss Wu was often invited to perform with Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra and Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra Association. Various types of performances and theatrical experience achievement Miss Wu in the different types of music playing.  In 1997, Miss Wu entered New York University to persue masters degree, during the school years, Miss Wu has held recitals, and to perform several concertos with the New York University Symphonic Band and New York University Percussion Ensemble. Miss Wu also often invited to perform premiere pieces in the American New Music Association Convention. In 1999, Miss Wu’s excellent performance had awarded YAMAHA Award by Percussive Arts Society, in the same year Miss Wu finished her master degree and graduated as an Outstanding Student from NYU. Miss Wu also won a chamber music award to recognition her wonderful playing in percussion. Miss Wu continued to pursue a doctor degree in the University of Maryland which she was awarded a scholarship. In 2000, Miss Wu was recommended by UM to perform a marimba solo at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC., and participated in a master class which was instructed by international percussion master, Evelyn Glennie. In 2002, Miss Wu won first prize of Montpelier Culture Art Center Recital Series Competition and was invited to perform a recital.  In 2003, Miss Wu was awarded Doctor of Musical Arts degree and returned to her homeland, Taiwan and immediately engaged in education and all kinds of performances. Miss Wu has held different series of solo performances since then. Besides being a solo and chamber percussionist, Miss Wu has also cooperated with Tainan Theater Group. In 2009, Miss Wu was invitation by the Kaohsiung City Government to conduct a hundred drummers performance in the closing ceremony at the World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung.